The Altadena Library District is pleased to announce the launch of its 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program! We invite you to join us on this adventure that could change your life.

The goal of the program is simple – you are going to read 1000 books before your child starts Kindergarten. Along the way, we will have a couple of prizes to keep you going.

Why should you read 1000 books before even starting Kindergarten? Reading a lot of books has an incredible impact on things as diverse as vocabulary, the parent-child relationship, kindergarten readiness, and empathy. Also, reading together is a lot of fun and sets a child up for an increased likelihood of being a lifelong reader.

To sign up, visit If you already have an account in Beanstack from Summer Reading, you can use that to sign in and join the program! If you have not used Beanstack before, you will be prompted to create an account.

For more information about 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, CLICK HERE.