Altadena Libraries

Get Involved in Altadena This Week

Altadena Library District is incredibly fortunate to serve such a diverse and engaged community! We are consistently inspired by hearing about the many spaces throughout Altadena that residents are serving with their time and resources. As a connector in the community, the Library District is dedicated to connecting residents with opportunities to serve, through both the Library and dedicated community organizations.

Neighbors Building a Better Altadena (NBBA) is a prime example of a dedicated, community organization, and it is never too late to get involved in their efforts. NBBA promotes community-wide engagement to make Altadena economically strong and socially cohesive, while preserving our cultural and economic diversity. Throughout the summer, there are plenty of opportunities to meet members of community organizations (like NBBA!), to learn more about getting involved, to serve, and to have your voice heard about recent community topics. Be sure to save the dates below:

Learn more about Neighbors Building a Better Altadena and their efforts at

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