Altadena Libraries

Get Wild with Read-a-Dena!

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Wild LA CoverThe Altadena Library District is honored to announce its first annual Read-a-Dena book selection, Wild LA: Explore the Amazing Nature In and Around Los Angeles by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Lila Higgins and Gregory B. Pauly with Jason G. Goldman and Charles Hood. Read-a-Dena is the Altadena Library District’s new community-wide reading initiative launching in March 2020.

“While perhaps an untraditional pick for a ‘One Community, One Book’ reading initiative, Wild LA celebrates the unique spirit of Altadena, which has nature deeply engrained in its history and identity,” says District Director Nikki Winslow. “The Altadena we know and love is adventurous, curious, and connected to the splendor of our landscape. Wild LA offers something for everyone, from passive nature observers to the more active explorers in our community.”

Throughout the months of March, April, and May 2020, 50 free copies of Wild LA will be available at both the Main Library and Bob Lucas Branch for the public to pick up, peruse, and pass along to neighbors and friends. Free copies will also be available to individuals who sign up to lead or join local Reading Groups, Read-a-Dena gatherings that bring neighbors together in small groups across Altadena to discuss topics in Wild LA and dig deeper into the book through library-curated activities and excursions. Interested leaders can sign up to host a Reading Group at

In coordination with authors of Wild LA and other community organizations, the Altadena Libraries are pleased to offer many events and programs related to Read-a-Dena, including, but not limited to, a panel with the authors of Wild LA, a workshop on nature journaling, presentations on topics ranging from native reptiles to mushrooms, and a guided nature walk through Eaton Canyon. Every Read-a-Dena event will provide free copies of Wild LA to the first 10 guests upon arrival.

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