2025 Eaton Fire Emergency Resources

The Altadena Libraries are currently closed. Please see our website and Facebook and Instagram channels for updates.

Emergency Maps & Incident Data

Watch Duty app and Genasys Protect can display red flag zones, evacuation zones, wildfire conditions, and power outages.

Eaton Fire Damage Map - Updated daily

Cal Fire - California Incident Monitoring

LA County Emergency Management Updates

Alert LA County - sign up for text and email alerts from Los Angeles County


Disaster Resource Centers - Available to the public from 9am-7pm, ***Hours updated as of Feb. 10, 2025***

Altadena Disaster Recovery Center
540 W. Woodbury Road

UCLA Research Park West
10850 West Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Application for Disaster Assistance - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) You can also call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362. Press 3 for an interpreter who speaks your language. Deadline is March 10, 2025.

To Opt-In or Opt-Out for Debris Removal - Right of Entry Forms at https://recovery.lacounty.gov/debris-removal/

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency information about help available for individuals and families

LA211 - Nonprofit that connects residents with shelter and services. AirBNB has partnered with LA 211 to provide access to shelter for evacuees. Dial 211 or visit https://211la.org/LA-Wildfires

The American Red Cross offers shelter, meals, and emotional support. Visit Red Cross Find Open Shelters or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

AT&T announced it is offering wildfire areas unlimited data, talk and text through Feb. 6. Visit their official site for a list of valid zip codes. https://about.att.com/pages/disaster-recovery/california-fires 

Verizon announced it will waive call, text and data charges for customers in hardest hit areas. The company also deployed free WIFI and charging stations at three wildfire shelters. https://www.verizon.com/about/news/2025-wildfire-updates

AirBnB’s Open Homes Program connects those displaced with free temporary housing. Learn More Here

Uber and Lyft: Are offering free rides up to for evacuees to designated shelters through January 15, 2025. Promo code "WILDFIRE25" (Uber) "CAFIRERELIEF25" (Lyft)

Recovery Altadena - from Altadena Town Council

Report Price Gouging at https://dcbawp.3diengage.com/

LA County Office of Food Equity - You might qualify one month of benefits for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) to help buy food.

Agencies/Government Offices

LA County Accessor’s Office

FAQ for Wildfires and Other Emergencies and Implications to Property Assessments/Tax Bills https://www.propertytax.lacounty.gov/Home/NewsLanding/22

California Department of Insurance

California Department of Public Health Vital Records

LA County Registrar-Recorder / County Clerk

  • For Property Records, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates & Marriage Certificates from Los Angeles County

  • Call 800.201.8999, Select Option 1, followed by Option 2

  • E-mail: recorder@rrcc.lacounty.gov

US Representative Judy Chu https://chu.house.gov/ Eaton Fire Resource Guide

Supervisor Kathryn Barger https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/

Senator Perez https://sd25.senate.ca.gov/

Assemblymember Harabedian https://a41.asmdc.org/

Altadena Town Council https://altadenatowncouncil.org/

Altadena Town Countil FAQ https://altadenatowncouncil.org/2025/01/information-resources-eaton-fire/

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) Resources & Information for Fire-Impacted Community Members

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) Recursos Comunitarios y Enlaces para Familias e Individuos Afectados por los Incendios

Los Angeles County Consumer & Business Affairs - After the Disaster Information for Landlords and Tenants

Food Resources

Grab & Go Meals for PUSD Students - The following schools will provide (2) meals, breakfast and lunch, for each student. Meals will be available for pick up between 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Monday through Friday, in the parking lot or bus lane at each participating school. Please stay in your car and meals will be passed to your car. This program will be solely for the pick-up of meals and meals may not be consumed on site.

  • McKinley School, 325 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101

  • Madison Elementary, 515 Ashtabula St., Pasadena, CA 91104

  • Field Elementary, 3600 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107


Guidance for Parents & Caregivers After a Wildfire - https://www.cityofpasadena.net/public-health/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/Guidance-Parents-Caregivers-After-Wildfire.pdf

Dena Resources - from Partnership for Children Youth and Families https://bit.ly/DenaResources


AQMD - To stay informed about wildfire smoke conditions and real-time Air Quality in your area.  http://aqmd.gov/aqimap

Precautions When Entering Fire Burned Areas

Precauciones al evaluar su propiedad después de un incendio

NAMI Greater Los Angeles County Hope Warmline - peer support specialists provide free, confidential, and empathetic mental health support and resources. Monday-Friday, 10am-8pm
📞 (818) 208-1801
📧 Hope@NAMIGLAC.org
💻 www.namiglac.org/warmline

Disaster Distress Helpline - provided by SAMHSA 24/7/365 crisis counseling and support. Call or text 1-800-985-5990 and press “1.” Llama o envía mensaje de texto 1-800-985-5990 presiona “2.” ASL: Call 1-800-985-5990 from your video phone.

Water in the fire impacted area has been declared unsafe to drink/bathe with. Find your water district and its recommendations at https://waterforla.lacounty.gov/

Preparedness Information

Emergency Supply Kit Checklist


LAist - Free local coverage

The Los Angeles Times - Free access to emergency coverage

CBS KCAL - Ongoing coverage of SoCal fires

Volunteer Opportunities

Red Cross Los Angeles: The Red Cross is helping those impacted by fires. If you would like to help you can donate money, volunteer or give blood. Visit the following link for more details. https://www.redcross.org/local/california/los-angeles/volunteer.html 

Union Station Homeless Services: Union Station Homeless Services has had to evacuate a number of sites within the emergency evacuation zones and is urgently working to provide essential support to those affected. If you would like to help you can donate money, provide in-kind donations or volunteer. For more information, visit https://ushs.org/emergency


Black History Month: Stories of Altadena & Altadenans


Main Library: LA County Notice of Preparation of Environmental Impact Draft Report